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  1. You are here:
  2. Faculties and Departments
  3. Civil Engineering and Conservation & Restoration
  4. Civil Engineering
  5. Semester Dates for the Civil Engineering Department

Semester dates for the Department of Civil Engineering

Please also check the notice board in building 5, 1st floor, for any last-minute changes.

  • Einführungstage für Erstsemester (FHE-wide): 3 - 7 October

    ErstiTage Fachrichtung Bau: 10 - 12 October

    Lecture period begins
         Bachelor - 1st semester: 13 October
         Bachelor - 3rd semester: 10 October
         Bachelor - 5th semester: 10 October
         Master - 2nd semester: 10 October

    BA 3 - Occupational safety training: will take place as a lecture

    BA 5 - Field trips: no field trips this semester

    BA 7 - Practicals and exams in specialist subjects: 49th and 50th calendar week

    Lecture period ends: 3 February

    Exam period: 6 - 24 February

    Lecture-free days:
         Reformation Day: 31 October
         Christmas and New Year: 26 December - 6 January

    Re-enrolment for the summer semester: 1 - 28 February

  • Lecture period begins: 3 April

    Lecture period ends: 14 July

    Exam period: 17 July - 4 August

    Lecture-free days:
         Easter: 7 - 10 April
         May Day: 1 May
         Ascension Day: 18 & 19 May
         Whitsun: 29 May