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Semester dates for the Department of Civil Engineering
Please also check the notice board in building 5, 1st floor, for any last-minute changes.
Einführungstage für Erstsemester (FHE-wide): 3 - 7 October
ErstiTage Fachrichtung Bau: 10 - 12 October
Lecture period begins
Bachelor - 1st semester: 13 October
Bachelor - 3rd semester: 10 October
Bachelor - 5th semester: 10 October
Master - 2nd semester: 10 OctoberBA 3 - Occupational safety training: will take place as a lecture
BA 5 - Field trips: no field trips this semester
BA 7 - Practicals and exams in specialist subjects: 49th and 50th calendar week
Lecture period ends: 3 February
Exam period: 6 - 24 February
Lecture-free days:
Reformation Day: 31 October
Christmas and New Year: 26 December - 6 JanuaryRe-enrolment for the summer semester: 1 - 28 February
Lecture period begins: 3 April
Lecture period ends: 14 July
Exam period: 17 July - 4 August
Lecture-free days:
Easter: 7 - 10 April
May Day: 1 May
Ascension Day: 18 & 19 May
Whitsun: 29 May