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Master's in Finance and Accounting
Welcome to the Master’s program in Finance and Accounting!
The Master's program in Finance and Accounting builds consecutively on the Bachelor's in Business Administration or a comparable degree course and leads to an advanced professional qualification.
Academic degree upon passing the final examinations:
Master of Arts (abbreviated to M.A.)
This degree program...
...focuses on the subjects of Accounting, Controlling, Finance and Taxation. Compulsory and compulsory elective modules must be selected from these subject areas.
Fundamental principles of business law and economics are taught in the compulsory electives Business Law and Economics.
Due to the focus of the courses offered, the degree program aims to deepen the students' knowledge of the aforementioned areas of business administration after they have completed a corresponding Bachelor's degree. The course is designed to enable students to identify and analyse academic and professional challenges and develop appropriate solutions. They are expected to be able to justify their approach in terms of content and methodology with reference to current academic and professional debate. The degree program also serves as an opportunity for the students to further develop their personality and social skills.
Our Master’s in Finance and Accounting
- four-semester
- mainly German-taught
- Master’s program focussed on Accounting and Audit, Corporate Finance, Management Accounting and Taxation
- compulsory and compulsory elective modules from the fields of Accounting and Audit, Corporate Finance, Management Accounting and Taxation
- knowledge of business law, which is fundamental to all business-related subjects, in the compulsory elective Business Law, including company law, conversion law, capital market law and insolvency law
- supplementary courses such as Economics (compulsory elective) and other elective modules at Master's level.
- Elective modules, which can be chosen from the Master's programs offered by the entire University of Applied Sciences Erfurt or other universities (e.g. Master's in Business Management, foreign language courses or communication).
- a Master’s thesis in the 4 semester of study.
- a Master's seminar, in which the main research questions and results of the Master's thesis are presented and put up for discussion.
- additional activities such as field trips and lectures by experts from the business world.
The degree program aims to enable students to identify and understand academic and practical problems in the field of finance and accounting and to develop appropriate solutions. In addition, it also intends to help students to understand how their own work relates to the wider social environment. Overall, this is the ideal basis for a successful and personally fulfilling career.
In addition to specialist skills, the necessary social competences required for managerial positions or self-employment are also focussed upon. In particular, students should be able to
- analyse future economic and social developments and identify areas that require change,
- develop innovative ideas at microeconomic level and play a formative role in implementing them,
- cooperate with co-workers and work as a team, and
- use managerial positions to motivate others and act as a role model.
Master of Arts (M.A.) degree
The Master's degree opens up a wide range of opportunities on a highly receptive labour market, whether in large or medium-sized companies or in areas of public administration or universities. This degree program aims to prepare graduates for the following professions and positions once they have undergone a certain period of induction in the respective organization:
- employee in a tax consultancy firm
- audit manager in an accountancy firm
- team leader in administration or consultant in finance and accounting
- consultant in a consulting company
- assistant to the management or board of directors in medium-sized companies
- management of small to medium-sized projects in companies
- research assistant at universities or other academic institutions
- management trainee
After a successful start to your career, this degree program will prove beneficial if you are aiming for one of the following positions:
- auditor in an accountancy firm;
- self-employed tax consultant
- self-employed chartered accountant
- self-employed management consultant
- partner in a management consultancy
- managerial position in the finance and accounting department of a large company
- managerial position in the commercial division of a medium-sized company
- managerial position in the commercial side of non-profit organizations or associations
Key facts
- Title Master Finance and Accounting
- Qualification/degree Master (Master of Arts)
- Duration 4 semesters
- Mode of study full-time
Open for occasional students
Part-time studies possible
Open to affiliate students
Winter semester
- Costs -
- Period for enrolment 15.05. - 15.09.
- General Requirements Yes Show
- Special Requirements Yes Show
- International application Show
Modules & Specializations
Der Studiengang ist fokussiert auf die Fächer Rechnungswesen, Controlling, Finanzierung und Steuerlehre. Aus diesen Fächern sind Pflicht- und Wahlpflichtmodule zu belegen. Die für diese betriebswirtschaftlichen Fächer grundlegenden wirtschaftsrechtlichen und volkswirtschaftlichen Kenntnisse werden in den Wahlpflichtmodulen Wirtschaftsrecht und Volkswirtschaftslehre vermittelt.
Insbesondere sollen die Absolvent*innen in der Lage sein:
- zukünftige wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen zu analysieren und Anpassungsbedarfe zu erkennen,
- auf einzelwirtschaftlicher Ebene innovative Ideen zu entwickeln und gestaltend zu wirken,
- mit Kollegen/Kolleginnen zu kooperieren und im Team zu arbeiten sowie
- als Führungskraft motivierend zu wirken und der Vorbildfunktion gerecht zu werden.
Dazu werden die Lehrformate methodisch so angelegt, dass im Rahmen der Fachmodule kommunikative Kompetenzen erworben werden können. Außerdem kann das Wahlmodul „Kommunikation“ aus dem Masterangebot der Fachhochschule Erfurt gewählt werden.
Das Studium soll auch dazu befähigen, dass eine Einordnung der eigenen Tätigkeit in das gesellschaftliche Umfeld vorgenommen werden kann. Insgesamt wird damit die Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche und persönlich erfüllende berufliche Tätigkeit geschaffen.
Information for 1st semester students
Important information: Please use our online services + your FHE email after you have enrolled.
After you have enrolled and activated your university account, you can use online services such as the timetable, learning platform Moodle or your FHE email account!
Central induction days before the semester begins:
You can find details and dates of our central induction events, such as IT & Online Services or the BIG Semester Opening here.
Download the 1st Semester Brochure
If you have any further questions, please contact the program director Professor Dr Adrian Weinaug.
Entry requirements
In order to be admitted to the Master's program in Finance and Accounting at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, applicants require an undergraduate degree or a degree from a state or state-approved university of cooperative education in the field of Economics. The further admission requirements for the consecutive Master's in Finance and Accounting are regulated in § 3 of the Academic Regulations and Procedures of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt for the Bachelor's and Master's programs (RPO-B./M.):
- a final grade of at least 2.3 in your undergraduate degree or degree from a university of cooperative education,
- a grade of at least 2.3 for your final thesis in your undergraduate degree or degree from a university of cooperative education and
- a final thesis for your undergraduate degree on one of the following subject areas: Accounting, Controlling, Finance or Taxation.
The above-mentioned minimum grades for the undergraduate degree or the final thesis increase by 0.2 for each full year of proven relevant professional experience after graduation.
Applicants must also provide proof of sufficient English skills at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or UniCert II. This can be submitted by the end of the 3rd semester (lecture period) and is a prerequisite for admission to the final examination.
Please note: This degree program is taught in German and therefore requires all students to have at least C1 level German skills. More information on applying to FH Erfurt as an international student can be found here.
This degree program can only be started in the winter semester.
Application period: 15:05. - 15.09.
Program begins: October
All information about applications / applying online can be found on our central university website: APPLICATIONS
Entry-level positions after graduation
This degree program aims to prepare graduates for the following professions and positions once they have undergone a certain period of induction in the respective organization:
- employee in a tax consultancy firm
- audit manager in an accountancy firm
- team leader in administration or consultant in finance and accounting
- consultant in a consulting company
- assistant to the management or board of directors in medium-sized companies
- management of small to medium-sized projects in companies
- research assistant at universities or other academic institutions
- management trainee.
After a successful start to your career, this degree program will prove beneficial if you are aiming for one of the following positions:
- auditor in an accountancy firm;
- self-employed tax consultant
- self-employed chartered accountant
- self-employed management consultant
- partner in a management consultancy
- managerial position in the finance and accounting department of a large company
- managerial position in the commercial division of a medium-sized company
- managerial position in the commercial side of non-profit organizations or associations
Click here to start your career
Information on exam dates and the exam schedule can be found on the examination board website.
You will see your exam results in your online grade transcript.
Key facts about the Master’s thesis
You have already earned at least 40 CP.
In line with the curricular structure, the Master’s thesis is intended to be written in the fourth semester. Irrespective of this, you can also write your Master's thesis in a later semester if necessary.
You can find the (recommended) assignment period for Master's theses in the quick links on the right. If you register during this period, it is guaranteed that your colloquium will also take place during the examination period of the 4th semester (summer) or by the end of the semester (30 September) at the latest. However, you can register to write your Master's thesis at any time, provided the above requirements are met and you have consulted your supervisor about the alternative time frame.
The date on which you start writing your Master’s thesis is determined individually. After you have registered your Master’s thesis with the examination board of the Department of Business Administration, you will receive written confirmation with the deadline for submission. You can therefore decide when to register your Master’s thesis (in consultation with your supervising professor) and thus choose the date your start according to your individual circumstances.
You are allowed 16 weeks to write your thesis. (In the event of illness, this period can be extended)
You can choose your first supervisor from any of the professors in the Faculty of Business, Logistics and Transport. This person then has to sign the registration form to confirm that they will supervise your thesis.
You are completely free when it comes to choosing the topic of your Master’s thesis. However, it must be designed in such a way that it is possible to finish writing it within the specified period and it is of a quality appropriate to Master's level. If you are specializing in a particular field and would like to have this indicated on your final grade report, your thesis must be written within this specialization.
The number of pages is determined individually by your first supervisor and also depends on the subject area of your Master's thesis. 60-80 pages are common in the Department of Business Administration.
As a rule, all students attend the first part of the Master's seminar in Finance and Accounting at the beginning of the semester and the second part at the end. Participation in the Master's seminar (both dates) is compulsory. All Master's students are required to present and explain the topic, main research focus and planned/chosen approach of their Master's thesis in a 15–20-minute presentation. A corresponding course room will be available in Moodle for the respective semester. Further information on the organization and procedure will be uploaded there as appropriate.
Issuance period/forms for the Master’s thesis
Issuance period in Summer Semester 2025:
19.02. till 02.03.2023
Issuance period in Winter Semester 2025/26: not announced