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  3. Business, Logistics and Transport
  4. Business Administration
  5. Bachelor Business Administration

Bachelor's in Business Administration

Welcome to the Bachelor’s program in Business Administration!

This degree course is perfect for you if you are interested in business - whether you have just graduated from high school or already have vocational training and some professional experience under your belt.

We will teach you everything you need to know to get ahead in the world of business. You will learn how to master business and administrative duties and employ the tools of modern business management. This also includes learning to identify, analyse and solve problems at middle management level, while becoming adept at making informed decisions. 

Our degree program will not only teach you the specialist skills needed in business administration and its related fields, but also analytical, methodological and interpersonal competencies.

Program Director

Prof. Dr. Christian Foos


Our Bachelor’s in Business Administration ...

    • modern
    • practice-oriented
    • 6-semester
    • mainly German-taught
    • degree program in business administration
    • an exceptionally broad range of options
    • high degree of practical relevance thanks to field trips and close ties to contacts in industry
    • 2 semesters of core studies &
    • then a choice of five areas of specialization
    • Business Administration
      • combining relevant aspects of associated disciplines: Macroeconomics, Law, Mathematics, Statistics
        and the subject areas: Sustainability and Digitalization as components of existing modules and as separate modules
    • New as of Winter Semester 2023: elective module in Sustainability and Business Ethics
    • Market Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Taxation
    • Operations Management and Logistics
    • General Management (all the main subjects involved in Business Administration)
    • practical professional qualifications
    • fundamental academic background
    • methodological expertise
    • both specialist skills and analytical, methodological and social competences
    • professional competence
    • problem-solving skills
    • decision-making skills
  • Yes, of course. Our Bachelor’s program includes a full semester on work placement. You will find all the details HERE.

    • First professional degree
    • Requirements: 180 ECTS: consisting of 116 ECTS for compulsory modules, 58 ECTS for compulsory elective modules and 6 ECTS for elective modules
    • Academic degree upon passing the final examinations: Bachelor of Arts (abbreviation: B.A.)
    • consultants or associates
    • clerk in accounting
    • project management for processes
    • logistics
    • project leader for small and medium-sized teams
    • corporate planning and control
    • market research
    • marketing and product management
    • quality management
    • team leader in administration
    • executive assistant
    • entry-level management
    • junior brand manager
    • HR specialist
    • human resources officer
    • taxation
    • controlling
    • production

This degree program...

...provides you with a broad fundamental education leading to a wide range of specializations. Here you will find quick and concise answers to the most important questions about this degree program. Below you can see an overview of the individual modules within the specializations and some information about the practical component of your studies, the work placement and field trips. If you have any more questions, the program director will be happy to help.

Key Facts
  • Title Bachelor Business Administration
  • Qualification/degree Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)
  • Duration 6 semesters
  • Mode of study full-time
  • Flexibility Part-time studies possible
    Open to affiliate students
    Open for occasional students
  • Beginning Winter semester
  • Costs -
  • Period for enrolment 15.05. - 15.09.
  • General Requirements Yes Show
  • Special Requirements No
  • International application Show
  • To access the timetable, enter the first letters of the name of your degree program and then select the corresponding exam regulations (PO). All courses offered in this degree program for this semester will be displayed. To view the groups in the 1st and 2nd semester, use the arrow next to the semester.

    In the 1st semester you are free to choose any group.

    In the 2nd semester, the groups are sorted according to your level of English proficiency. This is differentiated as follows:
    Lower Intermediate --> intl
    Upper Intermediate --> intu
    Advanced --> adv
    Within these levels, you may choose group A or B.

  • To access the timetable, enter the first letters of the name of your degree program and then select your specialization. After clicking on the arrow next to the specialization, you can select your subject semester and for the 3rd and 4th semesters your English level.



Im 5. Semester ist es endlich soweit, Ihr 20wöchiges Praxissemester steht an. Erfahren Sie hier alles rund um dieses Thema.

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Der Blick in die Praxis

Unsere vielseitigen Praxiskontakte ermöglichen Ihnen schon während des Studiums in die Praxis einzusteigen.



Egal ob internationale Projekte oder Outgoing, erfahren Sie hier alles über die Internationalität Ihrer Fakultät WLV.

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In your words...

From current students to prospective students

Here you can gain an insight into our degree programs through the eyes and in the capable hands of our students. A student project carried out in one of our courses developed a website to recruit new students. Did it work? We would really appreciate your feedback at wlv@fh-erfurt.de

Website: current students for prospective students