We intodruce us

In our institute, scientists from various disciplines work together on an interdisciplinary basis. Management is in the hands of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidi Sinning. There is a close exchange between the ISP and the Department of Urban and Spatial Planning at the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt.

Institute Management

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidi Sinning

+49 361 6700-4480sinning@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße, Schlüterstraße | 12.1.16 (Altonaer Straße), 103 Schlüterstraße

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende

  • Leon Bergmann

    Sara Eslamzadehghelichi

    Maria Isele

    Antonia Janßen

    Kim Kaperschmidt

    Emilia Schneider

    Diana Sela

    Finnan Will

  • Theresa Grimm, M.A. (until 02.2023)

    Dr. Victoria Fischer (until 12.2022)

    Dipl.-Geogr. Daniela Ziervogel (until 11.2022)

    Bernhard Scholze, M.A. (until 10.2022)

    Jenny Nußbaum (until 04.2022)

    Renate Hermann M.Sc. (until 03.2022)

    Clara Melchert (until 03.2022)

    Rouven Kaiser (until 10/2021)

    Marie-Luise Baldin, M.A. (until 01.2021)

    Lena Großmann, M.Sc. (until 12.2020)

    Theresa Fincke, M.Sc. (until 10.2020)

    Marie Luise Grenzdörfer, M.Sc. (until 10.2019)

    Jenny Kunhardt, M.Sc. (until 09.2019)

    Laura Fleck, M.Sc. (until 09.2019)

    Luciana Löbe (until 04.2018)

    Birgit Hanna Keppler, M.Sc. (until 10.2018)

    Madlen Kratzsch, M.Sc. (until 10.2017)

    Dipl.Ing.agr. Corinna Müller (until 07.2017)

    Tina Steinke, M.Sc. (until 09.2017)

    Dipl.-Geogr. Patricia Berndt (until 12.2015)

    André Fischer, M.Sc. (until 12.2015)

    Dipl.-Ing. Viola Schulze Dieckhoff (until 03.2015)

    Sarah Mönchgesang, M.Sc. (until 02.2015)

    Michael Steinke, M.Sc. (until 02.2015)

    Dipl.-Geogr. Andreas Schneider (until 07.2013)

    Dörthe Brinker, M.Sc. (until 06.2013)

    Dipl.-Soz. Katharina Thalheim (until 06.2012)

    Dipl.-Ing. Julia Gädker (until 05.2012)

    Dipl.-Ing. Christiane Steil (until 01.2011)

    Dr. phil. Florian Koch (until 10.2010)

    Dipl.-Ing. Rebecca Eizenhöfer (until 04.2010)