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  3. Architecture and Urban Planning
  4. Student Council: Urban & Spatial Planning
Logo des Fachschaftsrates der Fachrichtung Stadt- und Raumplanung

Student Council: Urban & Spatial Planning


We have finished collecting signatures in support of our policy paper! 364 students from the departments of urban and spatial planning and architecture have backed our campaign. With the backing of the student council, we are now in contact with the executive board of the university and the crisis management team. We will of course keep you updated on further developments!

Who are we?

The student council consists of up to ten members and is elected by the students of Urban and Spatial Planning.

Until further notice, our weekly meetings will take place at the usual time on Wednesdays at 6pm on WebEx. You are very welcome to attend the sessions.
You will find the link to the meeting sessions and further information in our Moodle room.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us by email (fsur@fh-erfurt.de) or anonymously using our Padlet.

You can also find us on Instagram: @fsr_sur_fhe


Student Representatives, Urban and Spatial Planning

fsur@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum N.206

Members of the Student Council for Urban & Spatial Planning 2021/22:

Members with voting rights:
Kenan Kayabasi
Cedric Maier
Judith Pottgüter
Alexander Marco Braungart
Shana Pratter
Annika Bauer
Isabella Rath
Sophie Reimann
Christoph Deponte
Stefanie Werner

Natalie Wilk
Tina Schmidt
Caroline Peter