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Faculty Representatives

The representatives of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning are responsible for the particular interests of faculty members.

Their tasks include advisory and support roles, submitting proposals and suggesting measures regarding changes in service processes to the management of the faculty, and carrying out supervisory duties.

Departmental representatives

Stefan Peter Andres

Robert Pfotenhauer

Inventory Officer

Prof. Günter Barczik

Equal Opportunities Officer

+49 361 6700-4466guenter.barczik@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum 414

Prof. Johannes Pellkofer

Building Commissioner

Johannes Binder

Fire Safety Officer

Inventory Officer

Frank Stehl

+49 361 6700-4443frank.stehl@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Raum 208

Ulf Haußen


+49 361 6700-4425haussen@fh-erfurt.de Schlüterstraße 1 | Werkstatt