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  5. Welcome Project

Welcome Project

In the Welcome Project, students look after refugees and provide them with help and advice in making the transition to higher education.

Gruppe Studierender

Advising - Supporting - Networking

Please contact us if you are interested in:

  • being an occasional student
  • taking German courses at our university
  • studying for a degree at FH Erfurt 

We can offer help and advice on the following areas:

  • deciding whether to apply to be an occasional student, do a degree course, etc.
  • the applications process
  • ways of funding your studies
  • mentoring and support programs during the semester for occasional students

We also establish networks within the University of Applied Sciences as well as with other organisations, associations and groups working with refugees.

Mentoring Program

The idea of the mentoring program is to provide direct support for international students by connecting them with experienced students at the University of Applied Sciences. Suitable mentors guide and assist their fellow students while they are at our university. The mentors are usually other students in the same semester of study and the same degree program.

  • The mentors can help in the following ways:

    • assistance in your studies
    • finding your way around campus (e.g. how to use the library, the refectory etc.)
    • technical support (e.g. using Moodle, Webmail, etc.)
    • putting you in touch with professors and other students
    • accompanying you to appointments outside the university (e.g. doctors, authorities, bank etc.)

    The mentoring program also features joint free-time activities and regular meetings with other students in the Welcome Project.

  • If you're interested, just send us an email. Then we'll put you in touch with suitable mentors from your subject area. At the start of the mentoring process and halfway through the semester, there will be a meeting with students, mentors and the Welcome Team.

    Please also come and join us for our monthly activities. If you have any problems or questions, you can contact us at any time.

Information for Occasional Students

Refugees can become occasional students at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. This way, they can get a glimpse of what it's like to study at a German university, get to know other students and attend language courses.

We offer an activity program during the semester with trips, workshops, etc. We can also arrange student mentors. For example, they can help you with your timetable, show you around FHE, make contact with professors and answer any questions you may have about studying.

    • You can attend language courses (and get a certificate)
    • You can attend lectures and seminars and familiarize yourself with subject areas and what they entail
    • You'll meet other students
    • You can get help from other students

    However, as an occasional student, you will not receive a semester ticket!

  • You need to submit your application as an occasional student every semester!

    • Application as an occasional student
  • Applications must be submitted by 30 September for the winter semester and by 31 March for the summer semester.

    Please send your applications to:

    Fachhochschule Erfurt
    Zentrum für studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten
    Altonaer Straße 25
    99085 Erfurt



Welcome Project

Contacts: Nina Brandenburg and Elisa Dressel

+49 0361 6700-4299welcome@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | 11.2.09

Opening Hours

  • Wednesdays and Thursdays, 12 - 2 p.m. in room 11.2.09

Just come along and visit us in the office during our opening hours!

Application form

Apply to study as an occasional student


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