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You've graduated - and what now?

Would you like to stay in touch after graduation? Then we have just the thing for you!

Our alumni portal, your alumni network

FH Erfurt Alumni Portal

Stay in touch with friends, fellow students, colleagues and your university!

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Register NOW!

All alumni are warmly invited to register and take advantage of the opportunities offered by our portal.

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We are keen to stay in touch with you, whether you are a graduate, former student, professor, PhD student or member of staff, and hope to help you refresh old acquaintances and make new connections. We will keep you up to date with the latest developments at FH Erfurt, alumni meetings, further education opportunities and specialist conferences.

As a member of the FH Erfurt alumni network, you can stay in touch with the university via our alumni portal.

Our goal is to build a strong network that enables its members to maintain contacts but also offers opportunities for professional interaction and collaboration. Our alumni coordinator is happy to help organize alumni meetings, establish new alumni groups, etc.

The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt's alumni network is a member of alumni-clubs.net, the umbrella organization of alumni networks in German-speaking countries.

Central Alumni Coordination

Katrin Fischer +49 361 6700-7557alumni@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | Raum 6.E.59