Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses
Before and during your studies, many questions and challenges can arise, but you may also encounter problems due to environmental barriers. On this website we hope to be able to answer these questions and also give you an overview of the various treatment options and support services for students with mental health issues. We also have some tips for dealing with psychological problems.
Information about accessibility and studying with disabilities/chronic illness
The main campus at Altonaer Straße is relatively barrier-free for people with limited mobility. The buildings are within easy reach of each other, the floors in all central teaching and administrative buildings of the University of Applied Sciences are accessible by elevator, and parking spaces at Altonaer Str. and Schlüterstr. are available for holders of a disability parking permit, category G, aG and Bl.
At present, the buildings are in need of improvement in terms of accessibility for the visually and hearing impaired (visual contrast design on stairs and glass surfaces and a lack of communication aids, etc.). Existing plans provide for further measures at all sites of the University of Applied Sciences, so we can expect all three campuses to be largely barrier-free in the medium term.
Special information for students:
- Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung des Deutschen Studentenwerks
- BAG Studium und Behinderung e.V.
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hörbehinderter Studenten und Absolventen e.V.
- Deutschen Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. (DVBS)
The Higher Education Framework Act (HRG, § 2 para. 4) and the Thuringian Higher Education Act (ThürHG, § 49 para. 3) state that universities should ensure equal opportunities for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses in their studies and examinations.
Should organizational, time or other problems affecting the requirements of studies or exams arise due to chronic illness, disability or a partial performance disorder, students can apply for reasonable adjustments by- formal request
- presentation of a medical or equivalent certificate that describes the effects of the disability on the student's studies and suggests possible adjustments.
You can apply for reasonable adjustments for examinations and graded work. This is not a matter of giving individual students preferential treatment, but about individually adapting the course and examinations to the needs of students with disabilities, for example by modifying the time, location and duration of an exam. The basic principle is that the conditions should be equivalent to those of other students.
It is important that the reasonable adjustment is applied for prior to an examination and approved by the examinations office of the relevant department. Any adjustments granted must not affect the evaluation of graded or ungraded work or be documented in achievement records or certificates.You can receive guidance on this matter from the Diversity Officer.
Students with disabilities or chronic illness often require an inclusive learning and teaching environment. If instructors take accessibility into consideration when planning lessons and creating materials, this gives all students the same opportunities to take part in the courses.
The "Leitfaden Inklusive Lehrveranstaltung" (Guide to Inclusive Courses - in German) provides general information on barrier-free university teaching methods and practical tips on how to incorporate the concerns of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses into studies and teaching.
A chronic illness or disability can potentially have an adverse effect on fulfilment of the admission requirements for a specific degree program. The Student Admissions Office can advise you on the special application requirements for courses with restricted admissions.
Besides financing your studies, chronic illness or disability can incur additional costs for medication, assistance etc.
The advisory staff at Thuringian Student Services (BAföG office, social counselling) can provide support when applying for financial aid for your studies and the additional needs of disabled students in their studies and everyday lives.
Furthermore, you can also contact the representative for students with disabilities or chronic illness.