The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt awards the Deutschlandstipendium ("German Scholarship") to particularly gifted and high-achieving students. The scholarship is granted independently of BAföG. Below you will find all the important information for applicants and sponsors.
You can also find more details about the scholarship on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Deutschlandstipendium
Information for Applicants
- 1 scholarship for the program "Sustainable Mobility and Logistics"
- 1 independent scholarship
The scholarship is awarded for two semesters and amounts to 300 euros per month. The scholarship is granted irrespective of income and BAföG. Further funding is possible if proof of academic achievement is provided within the standard period of study. Half of the scholarship is funded by private sponsors and the other half is financed by the federal government.
All students enrolled at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium. The corresponding application form has to be submitted to the Student Admissions Office of FH Erfurt.
Applications for the scholarship are accepted every six months. Candidates have to fulfil certain criteria.
- Selection procedure I: Applications: 15.01. - 28.02.; decision in April
- Selection procedure II: Applications: 15.07. - 31.08.; decision in October
- fully completed application form
- curriculum vitae
- university entrance qualification certificate, in the case of foreign certificates a translation and conversion into the German grading system
- applicants for a Master's program must submit their first degree certificate and, if applicable, other academic records in accordance with the admission and selection regulations for the Master's program
- if applicable, proof of special qualifications entitling the holder to study the respective degree program at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
- if applicable, proof of credits achieved to date
- if applicable, references from work placements and employment, proof of special awards and prizes, other skills and further commitments, and/or proof of particular personal, family and social circumstances
Candidates are chosen by a selection committee appointed by the Office of the President. The selection committee consists of a representative from the Office of the President, two professors and two students. Students are selected according to particular aptitude and academic performance, but social or community involvement is also taken into account.
Criteria for first-year students:
- the average grade of the candiate's university entrance qualification with special consideration of the individual grades relevant to the chosen field of study or
- particular qualifications that entitle the holder to study the respective degree program at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt.
Criteria for enrolled students:
- academic achievements to date, in particular the ECTS points attained or results of any interim examinations; for students on a Master's program, the final grade of their previous degree.
In overall consideration of the candidate's potential, special attention shall also be paid to:
- outstanding achievements, awards and prizes, previous professional experience and work placements
- extracurricular commitments such as voluntary work, social, university or political engagement or participation in religious societies, associations or clubs
- particular personal or family circumstances such as illness and disabilities, childcare (especially as a single parent) or caring for close relatives, working in a family business, gainful employment while studying, family background or having experienced migration
Information for Sponsors
Private sponsors can contribute to the high-quality education of students at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt with a monthly stipend of 150 euros (1,800 euros per year).
With your support, you enable promising students to concentrate on their degree course and make an important contribution to the development of Thuringia. Furthermore, you will be helping to foster networks between academia, the economy and society.
You have the opportunity to recruit and retain talented young people early in their careers, and you can even choose to sponsor students in a specific field of study.
Such donations are tax-deductible.